7 ways to feel less overwhelmed

Have you ever felt like you had a million and one things on your to-do list, your schedule is jam-packed, your responsibilities are sky high, and people are looking at you to get things done? Chances are you might be overwhelmed. I know when I’m overwhelmed I feel it in my body. I feel exhausted, my head feels like it’s spinning, my brain feels cloudy when I need it to be sharp, and I am snappy at the people around me. 

The thing is you’re not alone. In 2020, the APA (American Psychological Association) surveyed that 3 in 5 Americans feel overwhelmed. Now, after 2020 between the pandemic, political chaos, unemployment, racial unrest stacked on top of our own personal turmoil, it makes sense that as a society we feel extremely stressed. *

As we shift into this “new normal” some of our busy-body tendencies from before the pandemic are starting to seep back into our everyday lives. I want to help you live a joyous and abundant life, but you can’t fully tap into that if you’re constantly overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed and living in a constant state of stress affects your mood, thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and physical body. It’s taxing to live like that, and so often we resort there on autopilot so being overwhelmed is the new normal. Let’s intentionally choose something else.

Let’s choose harmony and priorities. Let’s choose self-care and self-love. Let’s learn when to say yes and when to say no. 

I think sometimes we equate success to hard work and we celebrate the hustle and grind mentality. I’m all for the grind when it doesn’t come at a cost to your well-being.  So, what if you could get what you desire but work more efficiently? What if the grind came with a side of ease and flow? #foodforthought

Because I don’t want you working yourself into a sickness, here are 7 ways to feel less overwhelmed

Shaina breathe feel less overwhelmed

(1) Breathe & Acknowledge Your Feelings

Pause and take a few deep breaths. Try this- inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts. Repeat 4 times. This breath is to calm you down and recenter you to the present moment. After this, acknowledge your feelings. Allow yourself the time to be vulnerable and honest with yourself without judgment. Ignoring your feelings will create a bigger problem down the road and might lead to an emotional breakdown once you’ve hit your breaking point. It can be as simple as I am feeling...say it out loud or write it down (takes me to our next one).

(2) Write it down & Bring awareness to what’s causing it 

Get out of your head and grab a piece of paper or your journal. I even suggest opening the notes app on your phone! Write out what you’re feeling in your body and your emotions. Do you feel a knot in your stomach? Do you feel sad or hopeless? Start bringing awareness to your emotions and bodily sensations because it will help you discover the thought behind it. More often than not, raise your hand if you can relate, we immediately say “I don’t know.” I don’t know why I’m so overwhelmed. “I don’t know” can be a bit of a defense mechanism because we may be avoiding the truth or unable to quickly access it. That’s when you keep writing and get curious. Truth is, you do know. And once you bring awareness to what’s causing your stress, you can start to release it. 

(3) Take breaks 

I encourage you to stop and take a break. Don’t try to power through it. You can afford to stop for 5 or 10 minutes if it means that it will bring you more peace of mind. Remember, point number 1. Take a break and breath. During this break you’ll be able to regulate your nervous system and potentially find more clarity. It’s harder to find clarity when we’re anxious, busy, and worried. It’s easier to find clarity when we pause, breath, and slow down. Do you cringe at the idea of taking a break or do you welcome the respite? I want you to be honest with yourself on that one.

(4) Ask for help (Delegate. Delete. Detach)

This may be one of the toughest ones for many people- ask for help. You are not weak or a burden if you ask for help. It’s powerful to recognize that you don’t have to do it all on your own. You may feel overwhelmed because you’re just doing TOO much! If you prefer to do it all on your own and you’re exhausted by everything on your plate, think about the 3 D’s.

Delegate- Give your tasks to someone else! Operate in your zone of genius and then release the need to do it all. Welcome in assistance from others.

Delete- Remove the tasks that no longer serve you. Take inventory of what you do daily and see what is causing more harm than pleasure.

Detach- Release the urge to be superhuman. I’ll never forget when my therapist said being independent is knowing how to use the resources around you. Your worth is not tied to the things that you do. Our egos often feel good when we are hustling and doing it all, but check in with the toll that is taking on your body. Is it worth it?

(5) Focus on the present & What you can control

Be present. Are you replaying old events from the past or worried about the future? The past has happened and the future is out of our control, so I encourage you to stay present. Bring yourself back to the now and what you can control. Have faith and surrender to the unknown. This is another wonderful writing opportunity. It’s easier said than done, so if something from the past or future is weighing on your heart, write it down. Seeing it on paper helps to release your energy around it. Now, get curious about what you see. What lessons can you learn from your past experiences and what habits can you build to prepare you for your future endeavors?

(6) Speak kindly to yourself 

We are often our worst critics, so speak kindly to yourself. The inner voice inside of us often replays old narratives and thoughts that can be negative and self-sabotaging. Speak kindly to yourself and believe what you’re saying. Notice when negative self-talk starts to emerge and replace it with something positive. It will shift the energy in your body, how you see yourself, and how you show up. Be mindful of the things that you are seeing and hearing around you. Do they help to uplift you? Do they help you feel good about yourself?

(7) Do something that feels good 

Lastly, do something that feels good! What brings you joy and lights up your heart? Add it to your schedule and indulge in your feel good! It will help raise your energy levels, help you feel happier, and bring more pleasure to your life. How often do you do things that feel good throughout your day? How can you implement more feel good moments into your schedule? 

You deserve to experience joy, ease, and pleasure in life. We can’t completely avoid stress and feeling overwhelmed, but there are things that we can do to bring it from a 9 to a 2 in our lives. I always want to drive home that we have choices! If something doesn’t feel good or aligned in your life and it’s bringing you turmoil, you don’t have to sit in it forever. Give yourself permission to make a change, ask for help, or seek a supportive community. Just by reading this blog post means you desire to make a shift. I’m proud of you for that!

**sited from Stress in America ™️ 2020


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