Are you feeling stuck or unmotivated?
It’s discouraging to feel like you’re frozen in the same spot not making the progress that you desire on your goals. You may have so many ideas that you’re stuck in paralysis by analysis and unsure of where to begin. You may feel unmotivated to do anything. Or you’re just tired. You’ve gone for things in the past and they haven’t worked out, so you feel like giving up.
It can feel so overwhelming that the best answer is to do nothing. Yet, doing nothing for one day turns to one week and then before you know it months or years have passed. Sound about right?
If you desire to get out of that funk, here are 5 ways that may help you...
(1) Get Intentionally Still
Slow down, pause, and make it a choice to do nothing and be still. Your mind is probably running a mile a minute, so give yourself the space to find mental clarity.
Part of feeling stuck is staying in a vicious cycle of overthinking or being held captive by fear. You don’t have to dismiss those thoughts, but slow down long enough to question where they’re coming from.
There’s clarity that comes in stillness when it's a conscious choice.
(2) Get Moving + Go Out in Nature
Moving your body can be therapeutic. Exercising, going for a walk, doing your favorite workout will release endorphins that will help boost your mood and declutter your mind.
Being in nature helps me to reduce mental noise and discouraging feelings. Whenever I get near a body of water, I feel calm and at ease. My favorite spot in Brooklyn is Brooklyn Bridge Park overlooking the water. It brings me so much peace and satisfaction.
So, find what that is for you. Maybe it’s simply looking up at the sky watching the clouds move or adding plants to your home. Literally getting up and going for a walk will help you not stay stagnant. Ideas and solutions may come to you as you get moving and surround yourself by nature.
(3) Get Around Motivating People
When you expand your circle to include friends and colleagues who inspire and motivate you, chances are you’ll go after those goals that you’ve been putting off. They’ll light a fire under you to get going. They might even challenge you from a supportive place and question why you’re being so complacent. It may sting a bit to be confronted, but the people who genuinely support you want to see you thrive.
Also, be mindful of who you share your goals and big dreams with. If the people around you are dismissing your goals or projecting their fears onto you, they may not be ready to hear them. If you find yourself playing small because the people around you are encouraging you to play it small then it’s time to get around new folks.
You don’t have to push your old peeps to the side completely, but understand the nature of the relationship and what you are willing to share with them. When you boss up your circle, your boss energy undoubtedly increases too!
Remember, those who are really there for you will be honest with you, support you, and hold you accountable to making it happen.
(4) Get Out of Your Head
It’s truly our own thoughts that hold us back. So, get out of your head! (I know it’s always easier said than done).
But, I mean literally, get those thoughts on to a piece of paper or in your journal. Keep a journal of the recurring thoughts that you are telling yourself and how much they support what you really want. If you see a theme, question and challenge it.
Ask yourself this- what do I really want?
Then, make a commitment to take one baby step forward towards what you desire.
The end goal can seem so scary and we feel overwhelmed with getting there, so just take one step.
(5) Get Help & Invest in Yourself
We weren’t meant to do life alone. Let me say that again for my independent folks.
We don’t have to figure it out all by ourselves!!
So many of us thrive off of being independent and self-sufficient, which is admirable, but there is also value in getting help. Invest in yourself and your self work. I’ve been there. I used to pride myself on being super independent, which undeniably has it’s benefits, but there are also downfalls.
Maybe you’ve tried everything I mentioned in this post, and you still can’t shake off being stuck. Hire a coach, work with a therapist, take a course, read a book, etc the list can go on.
Most likely the reward of your transformation will be far greater than the initial investment.
“How much is it costing you to stay stuck? How much will it benefit you to invest in your transformation?”
So, I’ll end here…I want my friends, family, and clients to thrive. I want you to reach your wildest dreams and create your ideal life (it’s more than possible).
In order to do that, we have to get out our own way and be honest about where we are. How long have you been feeling stuck? Lost? Uncertain? Unmotivated?
After the year we just had, it’s completely understandable. It rocked us to our core and put a lot into perspective. So, take a chance on yourself now if you are ready for a change.
You are more than capable of anything you desire!