How to find balance in life? (3 Simple Tips)
Is it truly possible to achieve balance in life?
Yes and no, and I'll explain why. Many people desire balance in their lives. We ask for tips for better work/life balance. We ask people how they do it all? We wonder what we could be doing better or we search on Google, “how do I find balance in my life” hoping for a magic response that will be the answer to all of our worries.
It’s understandable…Balance is desirable. This idea that we can do it all…excel at work, have a social life, take care of our families, take care of ourselves, have fun, find alone time and maintain our sanity sounds wonderful . It sounds like a blissful dream that we want so badly but maybe feels out of reach. Which can be disappointing and frustrating.
It’s especially challenging to see others who seem to be achieving the balance that we desire make it look easy when we’ve been struggling.
So, if this is you before you get too hard on yourself surrounding balance, ask yourself these 2 questions-
What does balance mean to me?
Who am I comparing myself to?
You may have this idea of what balance “should” look like from society, social media, or the the people around you, but does that definition and life resonate with you? Take a moment to visualize and think about what balance means to you.
What words come up? What phrases feel connected and aligned with something that you desire? Also, who are you comparing yourself to? Are you basing your opinions off of a pretty picture or have you heard how the person is truly feeling?
With social media, it’s easy to get hard on ourselves and think people have it all put together. However, we see a fraction of the picture because balance is not only in our actions, but how we feel. It’s a state of being.
“Balance is not something we can get; it’s a state of mind. It’s the realization that life is not stable but in constant motion.” -Gustavo Razzetti
Life is in constant motion; so it’s asking a bit much of ourselves to have even distribution in all the parts of our lives at all times.
Think about balance in life as harmony.
If we take a puzzle for example. Using the word balance, all the puzzle pieces will be even or exactly the same size to create the final picture. What if this same picture was split into different sized puzzle pieces that still came together to create the same image-you. Everyday the size of the pieces ebb and flow depending on your needs and where you are in life- that’s harmony.
Life is constantly moving and shifting, but you can find harmony with the different puzzle pieces in your life if you think about these 3 things.
1- Integrate don’t separate the parts of your life
All the different aspects of our lives- career, family, relationships, finances, health, fun, spirituality, and personal development impact who we are and how we show up. Where we are on the wheel of life ebbs and flows depending on the season, but aim to bring more awareness to your levels of satisfaction in all the areas of your life and see how they’re interconnected. There’s harmony available when we honor all parts of ourselves as opposed to the dissonance we can feel when we ignore or separate them.
You may be feeling imbalanced because you’re ignoring an aspect of your life that could use a little more TLC.
Wheel of Life
For each section of the wheel, rate your current level of satisfaction on a scale of 1-10.
2-Awareness of self
How often are you checking in with yourself? It’s hard to give what you don’t have. Instead of trying to fix the problem externally, get still. Listen to your intuition and what your body is telling you. Ask yourself these 2 simple but powerful questions- What do I need? What am I feeling? The answers to those questions are information. Don’t meet them with judgment but try to address it.
3- Prioritize your needs/desires
What’s most important? What’s urgent? What can wait? What does not need to happen at all? If you’re feeling overwhelmed and pulled too many ways, then it’s time to prioritize what’s most important. Remember, if everything is important then nothing is important. Finding balance or harmony is also knowing when to do and when to let go.
Life isn’t black and white. Allow yourself to be flexible and meet yourself with more compassion and love. If balance feels elusive and icky, find another word that feels more aligned or redefine it for yourself.
Stop trying to force it and it will come. Because maybe it’s not necessarily the balance you’re looking for, but the feeling balance gives you. What’s that feeling for you?
Peace. Love. Calm. Accomplishment. Success.
Lean more into those feelings and give yourself grace because I’m sure you’re tapping into them more than you think!
Curious how you can find more harmony in your life? Schedule a free discovery call here.