How to Use Energy To Change Your Life

Let’s talk about energy. 

Now, before you roll your eyes and exit this blog post because you think I’ve gone “woo woo” please bear with me. I promise you that what I am sharing today is transformative and chances are it will be a new concept to you. I also want to challenge you to open up your perspective. 

If you’re more left-brain-driven and logically-minded then “woo woo” concepts may be a turn-off to you, but why? If something agitates you so much that you refuse to learn more about it, then I would check in to see what about it upsets you so much. 

Sometimes the answer is that we truly don’t know much about it or we think we know or we had a bad experience that forever leaves a sour taste in our mouths. Nonetheless, every week I ask that you come with an open mind, ready to learn and grow. 

I want us to all create happy and fulfilling lives, so I hope my posts and coaching tips help you create that for yourself. One of the ways that I’ve been able to do that for myself is through core-energy coaching or energy leadership. I share this practice with all of my clients and they are always amazed at how much it helps them on a daily basis!

The definition of energy is the ability to do work.

I love reminding myself of the textbook definition of words because sometimes we use them so often that we forget what the literal definition is. 


-the capacity for doing work

-the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity

It makes sense in physics that energy is the ability or capacity to do work. In regards to us on a daily basis, the amount of energy that we have affects how we show up. In many cases, the more energy that you have the more you’re able to get done but when you’re working with less energy it can be harder to get work done. 

Needless to say our energy on a daily basis matters. It impacts how we show up for ourselves, the people in our lives, our work, and how we interact with others. 

One of the things that has been most life-changing for me since beginning my coaching journey is recognizing that we all see the world through a set of filters. Those filters are unconsciously shaped by our upbringing, society, beliefs, values, life experiences, and the people around us. Those filters impact our perspective, behaviors, and actions- ultimately how we show up in the world. They can help create success or contribute to more pain and suffering. 

Here’s the most fascinating part of it all- those filters and your perspective are not stuck in stone. As we open our consciousness and increase our self-awareness, we can shift our filters as well.

Let’s say with the things that you’ve gone through in your past, your glasses or filter of the world are a bit foggy and because of that you make decisions in line with that. You may find yourself in toxic relationships, unpleasant work environments, or unsupportive friendships. But, with healing, increased self-awareness, and mindfulness your glasses become clearer, and you make better decisions that are in alignment with what’s best for you. 

The beauty of core energy coaching- recognizing and unlocking those filters-  is getting to the root of the challenge by shifting our inner thoughts and beliefs that are blocking what we truly desire. Once we recognize those blocks we can work through them to unleash our fullest potential and create a life that feels damn good. 

One of the ways that I do that is through Energy Leadership.

*think of the 7 levels as markers to bring awareness to your current thoughts, feelings, and well-being*

7 Levels of Energy:

Level 1: Victim. Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. Fear. Hopelessness “I can’t.” “I have to.” “It’s always me.”

Level 2: Conflict. Anger. Resentment. Stress. Frustration. “I hate you.” “It’s your fault!” 

Level 3: Responsibility. Rationalizing. Forgiveness. Cooperation. Coping. Tolerance. “It’s fine.” “It doesn’t matter.”

Level 4: Concern. Care. Compassion. Service to others. Love. Gratitude. “I love you.”

Level 5: Reconciliation. Peace. Acceptance. Calm. Confidence. Fulfillment. Solution-focused. “I understand you.”

Level 6: Synthesis. Joy. Wisdom. Intuition. Fearlessness. Oneness. Wholeness. “I am you.”

Level 7: Non-judgment. Absolute Passion. Creation. Unconditional love. Genius. “I am.”


We are all a combination of all 7 levels of energy in varying degrees. There are no “good” or “bad” levels of energy but some are more advantageous than others, especially depending on our goals and desires. The key is to have the awareness of where you are and consciously choose what you desire to do about it. 

For example, when I loss my dad, I experienced lots of level 1 energy. I still have waves of level 1 and 2 energy that sweep in during my healing process. 

I used to have a lot of level 3 energy before I learned to acknowledge and honor my emotions and release the need to control how others will take them. 

On a normal basis, I live between 5 and 6, which feels really good as a creative. Level 5 energy is rooted in releasing the ego and seeing opportunities everywhere. My favorite level 5 response to a “problem” is what is the opportunity here? 

Then, there are moments when I am dancing, creating, and just being that I tap into level 7 and it’s absolute bliss. 

What would your world look and feel like if you carried around mostly level 1 energy? 

As you read this blog post, which energy levels feel most present within you at the moment?

+Energy Leadership comes from iPEC’s coaching methodology+

**If you’re interested in taking the Energy Leadership Index Assessment- learn more about my coaching here. I give it to all of my 1:1 clients when we start working together!


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